Monthly Archives: December 2014

Sparkle’s back!


Went to hear Declan O’Rourke sing on Friday night two weeks ago in the Spaniard pub/venue again. My soul needed soothing as I’ve been feeling devastatingly low recently and his music put my sparkle back. I’m aware that I live in constant discomfort of some kind, be It physical or spiritual. Ease comes only when I’m sleeping. The news about Thich Nhat Hahn upset me. He’s in hospital with a brain haemorrhage. It’s so unfortunate for him and his community but perhaps they have another wiser take on it.
Declan sang his heart out for us with an acoustic guitar. One woman standing behind me decided to sing along too. Annoying and drunk she ruined some of my favourite songs including Galileo and Time Machine screeching out her version! Sadly for me, I wasn’t able to turn around and throw her a filthy look, it’s physically impossible. Poor Lucy admitted defeat saying, “there’s no way I’m taking her on! “. She’s right too and I wasn’t in the position to attempt to start spelling out, “throw her a dirty look for me! “.
Uplifted and revived by the musical experience overall we made our way home under a star filled sky echoing the pleasure I felt inside. Jonnie and I stayed up till two in the morning chatting about how we could adapt or change the relentless routine I live under. The very non – spontaneous regime that’s crushing my spirit. It felt so good to be talking about it. The following morning we went for a walk around our neighbourhood after my shower instead of going back to lie on my bed. Simple changes to make huge differences! I haven’t looked back since and my sparkle ‘s still here a week later! I remember being in a similar situation some years back living and working in Cork. Life appeared so dull and uninteresting. Reading something from one of John O’Donohue’s books really helped me. It was something about finding ways of seeing usual things differently. I remember walking a different way to work afterwards and cooking different foods.
I’m so pleased to feel well again. I love December! We went out again Friday night even after a shopping trip to Wilton. My precious energy is flowing thankfully.
Unable to eat hard foods I’m eating a lot of soup. Lucy kindly cooked a recipe she found involving minced lamb and fresh plump vine tomatoes. Absolutely delicious.
Martha has been busy with the kids making Christmas decorations. I love our front door!

